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 "I can remember it like it was yesterday, I was 18 years old sitting in Bible College in the cornfields of Columbus, Ohio. I had no clue how huge the next hour of my class would be. While listening to a video teaching of a great man of faith, I heard God tell me "begin writing"…then God said, “you will build Generations House of Worship, you will train the young and old how to build the church together. You will disciple all ages and teach them to walk with me.”

Generations House of Worship exists to reach the world with the incredible Truth of Jesus and to teach our world, all ages, HOW to walk with God.


We believe that when you visit GHOW, you will fall in love with Church! We trust that you will experience God in a special way through worship and in the teaching of The Bible in a relevant, applicable way!


It is our goal to have you leave GHOW every week with practical tools for you to walk out a very real, very powerful and very life changing relationship with Jesus Christ.


The vision is very clear, to teach our world HOW to walk with God. We do this through a powerful weekly worship experience, connection through life groups, training through Growth Track and empowerment through our GenTeam.  One thing you will love about GHOW is our awesome passion for worship and strong teachings every week. 



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